Error 500 - PHP Update from 5.6 to 7.2


New Member

A need your help, urgently!
You told me earlier that Visiolist is fully compativle with PHP 7.2

Hello, Last update was released Nov 8, 2018. It has been under constant development. Fully compatible with PHP 7.2 and 5.6
I needed to change the server to PHP version 7.2 today and my Visiolist is not working.
I need urgent help!
Can you help me?
What should I do?

My Visiolist:

Best regards,
Jose Veiga


Staff member
What does your error_log say?

I would start by disabling plugins, core VisioList works just fine on 7.2 but its possible you have a plugin that doesnt, or your PHP 7.2 is not configured to meet the requirements.

In both cases, your error_log should reveal the issue.


New Member
Hi Mark,

The issue is solved.
There was no need to remove any plugins.
The problem was related to a line of code in index.php:

mb_internal_encoding ("UTF-8");
So, after a simple Google search, I enabled the MBString option on cPanel and the problem was solved.


So, Visiolist works perfectly with PHP version 7.2

Thank you for the tips!


Staff member
Not quite sure we have the mb_ functions as requirement inside install/update checklist ( it is a requirement, to be utf conform ). We will double check to make sure it gets onto the checklist in case it isnt


Staff member
Just checked, we do indeed have in both install and update the requirement for mb_ functions, so you must have overlooked that red dot