New Member
This is extract from my PM earlier:
Also, some features to make it more robust:
*Ability to filter for greater than and less than
* Ability to enter the username or site name in the email using variables: Like: Hi {username}
*Ability to de-dup the list so that guys with multiple listing only get 1 email
* Update the list of email (on bottom) as you apply the filter
*Sending email in the background to avoid timeout. Or have the page reload w/ index so that if it fails, the admin knows what happened. Right now, when it times out, I'm not sure how many emails I sent or who I've sent it to.
* Ability to send unsubscribe link in email for users who don't want admin emails
* Ability to send email (in general) via a SMTP server
Just some ideas if you have a list for the next version!
Also, some features to make it more robust:
* Ability to enter the username or site name in the email using variables: Like: Hi {username}
* Update the list of email (on bottom) as you apply the filter
* Ability to send unsubscribe link in email for users who don't want admin emails
Just some ideas if you have a list for the next version!

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