Hello, community,
I'm working again on the files on a new project and on the very first edit I've noticed an issue on the edit_join_field.php file.
Checking the code there's an initialization of the $TMPL['error_field_choice_value_0'] var at ''; (null)
However on the "first use" of the var inside the loop,
there's .= operator on a var that does not exist actually
I'm working again on the files on a new project and on the very first edit I've noticed an issue on the edit_join_field.php file.
Checking the code there's an initialization of the $TMPL['error_field_choice_value_0'] var at ''; (null)
However on the "first use" of the var inside the loop,
there's .= operator on a var that does not exist actually
$TMPL['error_field_choice_value_0'] = '';
$TMPL['error_style_field_choice_value_0'] = '';
for ($i = 1; $i < $TMPL['count']; $i++) {
$TMPL['error_field_choice_value_'.$i] .= '';
$TMPL['error_style_field_choice_value_'.$i] .= '';
$extra_choices .= '<p class="'.$TMPL['error_style_field_choice_value_'.$i].'">
<input type="text" size="50" name="field_choice_value[]" value="'.$choice_value_array[$i].'" placeholder="'.$LNG['a_man_jf_value'].'" />
<input type="text" size="50" name="field_choice_text[]" value="'.$choice_text_array[$i].'" placeholder="'.$LNG['a_man_jf_displaytext'].'" />
<a href="#" class="remove_input">'.$LNG['a_man_jf_remove'].'</a>