Direct Vote link


Staff member
Sorry for late reply, work work work :(

If you not make use of the Extra images feature, the most easy way would be to use that. The static button type in admin settings has to be enabled for this to work

So, you upload a voting image into public_html/images/extra/

Once done, you already see, it auto generates a voting code, but it will not work for your needs, so lets modify the "extra" template

Open up skins/your_skin/link_code_type_extra.html

Now, replace everything in that file with this
{$lng->link_code_static_button} <a href="{$list_url}/index.php?a=in&u={$button_username}"><img src="{$list_url}/images/extra/{$button_name}" alt="{$text_link_button_alt}" /></a>
<br />
<textarea readonly="readonly" name="code" rows="6" style="width: 90%;" onclick="this.focus();;">&lt;a href="{$list_url}/index.php?a=in&u={$button_username}">&lt;img src="{$list_url}/images/extra/{$button_name}" alt="{$text_link_button_alt}" />&lt;/a></textarea>
<hr />

If you use the extra images already, we would need to create a plugin for that


Ooh, this is interesting. I'm curious what thoughts are from more experienced visiolist users about encouraging members to collect votes off site. Could this be abused or could this be a good traffic boost? I have many members with huge amounts of social network followers. Could this tip the balance to unfairly possibly for smaller sites or would it ultimately benefit everyone?