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Category Menu with count 1.0.1

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Basti submitted a new resource:

Category Menu with count - Add member counts to the category menu

Add member count to the category menu found in wrapper.html

1) Upload via admin plugin manager
2) In case you removed the template tag from default skin ( or your own ), the template tag in question is {$category_menu} and should be in wrapper.html

This plugin contains 2 html files so you can adjust the html to match your skin.
If you wish to edit them copy them into the plugins child folder so they stay safe
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New Member
hallo basti!
da scheint wohl noch ein fehler im plugin zu sein ?
bei mir zeigt er z.b Automobile (1) an obwohl garkein automobil eintrag ist!
oder grafik (1) garkein eintrag in grafik - kategorie?
woran liegt das?

look at
gruss marco
That's correct.
On the longer running page ( I have an entry missing in some categories.
In the freshly installed side ( it is exactly right.

Could it be because, if something has been moved or someone has been deleted, that this is not taken into account?


Staff member
Ah im querying all members, not just active one. So the category count includes inactive members. Will correct this tomorrow! thanks for the heads up