Search results

  1. S

    Export All Site

    AWESOME! Thank you.
  2. S

    Email Blasting

    Just sent you
  3. S

    Export All Site

    Because I want to get all the data every month, because we have ranking per month who is the best site on this month.
  4. S

    Export All Site

    Is there a way to export all site registered with this format SITENAME-CATEGORY-TOT_PV_OVERALL-ALEXA-RANK What to do?
  5. S

    Email Blasting

    I did download the email zip , extract , overwrite and test at my end..thats what the error came (the one I've screenshot) Testing without the modification.. text sent is string not tags value.
  6. S

    Email Blasting

    Yes emailing is working before adding the email zip you have sent and attached. Is the zip already updated?
  7. S

    Alexa Plugin

    I already solve this using $order_by = "tot_{$ranking_method}_overall DESC,alexa_rank=0,alexa_rank"; Our analyst wanted to display all but put last if 0 tot visits and alexa found.
  8. S

    Email Blasting

    Email is not working..I have to revert the old files. see error message screenshot
  9. S

    Alexa Plugin

    Id like to raise again the issue of this. If I will enable the where clause $where_extra .= " AND (tot_{$ranking_method}_overall > 0 OR alexa_rank > 0)"; the problem is that the site will be eliminated in the list even they have tot ranking but 0 alexa. if disable the site that has 0 overall...
  10. S

    Email Blasting

    Im lost with this , where should i put this code? ajax_send_mail_start.php? how to start and where to put the email content?
  11. S

    Alexa Plugin

    Let me check on this ..Thanks
  12. S

    Alexa Plugin

    UPDATE: Regarding the cron, it causes issue on the server. Is there any way to execute data once and not doing by cron? SAMPLE ERROR LOG [30-Apr-2019 06:00:01 UTC] PHP Warning: simplexml_load_file(): http:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_fopen=0 in...
  13. S

    Alexa Plugin

    Also how to trigger the email now for those pv and alexa rank is 0?
  14. S

    Alexa Plugin

  15. S

    Alexa Plugin

    How to display a text in the list rank. I want in every tot_pv_overall that is 0 will display a text "No link code attach in the owner site" what code to put in rankings_compile_stats.php?
  16. S

    Alexa Plugin

    Will try.. Thank you on this.
  17. S

    Alexa Plugin

    It works in proper way now. Thanks.
  18. S

    Alexa Plugin

    $where_extra .= " AND tot_{$ranking_method}_overall > 0 AND alexa_rank > 0"; - It stops the sorting when pv is 0 even alexa_rank is not 0, sites are not in the list anymore I got your point. Thanks. On this matter "For this to work, you need to have the admin setting disabled. Make it 0" I...
  19. S

    Alexa Plugin

    Yes I did disabled the other plugins for ranking. UPDATE: Just solve the rank/sorting by using this query $order_by = "tot_{$ranking_method}_overall DESC,alexa_rank"; PROBLEM: It cant skip using pv = 0 and alexa_rank=0, still the site in the list above and top above because of 0 value. I...
  20. S

    Alexa Plugin

    Yes it works. But theres only problem in rank/sorting. it does not sort/rank properly. Let me give or take this situation - Priority is rank by unq pv. - If no pv then get the or use value or sort by a alexa_rank - If no alexa_rank data, disable or dont include in the rank So how to modify...