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  1. Mark

    PHP code in template
  2. Mark

    PHP code in template

    no PHP code should be included via a plugin, and the output put into a template variable. Or you can use the includes tag as described in the manual {include "file.txt"} - Includes an external file; if you want to include PHP code or other dynamic content, use the full URL to the file...
  3. Mark

    error after rigistration

    what plugins do you have installed? have you modified any of them? this error is coming form a plugin, you can disable any that add something to the join form to isolate which one is causing the error
  4. Mark


    delete that file via FTP, then regenerate and you should be good to go,
  5. Mark


    very strange, please try manually deleting that existing screenshot it looks like for some reason the file from our server is not copying over. Did anything unusual happen with this user? Ie. URL change or anything?
  6. Mark


    this is the screenshot from our end, and what your list would have copied.
  7. Mark


    looking now, will let you know what i find in a few minutes.
  8. Mark

    Gateway Page Help

    - even with recaptcha in the gateway its easily passed by the software you mention (around 9 minutes you can see how recaptcha is passed). lets find a more sensible way to block this software, I can think of 4 or 5 tricks we can use to block it, I am sure at least 1 would work :)
  9. Mark

    Gateway Page Help

    but your list has not yet been cheated correct? If it has, I would love to work with you (at no charge of course) to ensure Visiolist is NOT one the "most topsite scripts" this software works on. Blocking traffic to your list with captcha for something as trivial as a "vote", is like...
  10. Mark

    Gateway Page Help

    are you having trouble with cheaters? what makes you want to block all incoming traffic with annoying captcha? We get this request a few times a year, we will never add this feature unless we actually see a case where all other cheat detection has proven failed (hasnt happened yet). I see...
  11. Mark

    Visiolist Frontpage Virus

    thanks, I have requested a review again via Google webmaster tools.
  12. Mark

    Visiolist Frontpage Virus

    the problem was resolved yesterday after only a few minutes, can you provide any more information? the site is still showing clear for me from all available checks I can run
  13. Mark

    Visiolist Frontpage Virus

    your computer doesnt matter, we made a major change on our server.
  14. Mark


    they probably thought they would find a way to get a review when nobody else did. With the old review system I noticed quickly (and often) that the vast majority of reviews were posted by the owners of the site, and negatvie rebviews were posted by other members (their competition) which is why...
  15. Mark

    Visiolist Frontpage Virus

    we moved to a new members system which bridges our forum and licensing system into 1 database. I emailed everyone notifying/warning them that you must reset your password (only once though...) because we could not import encrypted passwords from the forum...
  16. Mark

    Case Study - Upgrading to VisioList

    Another 1 hour on Day 2 1) Did some work with wrapper to cleanup overall layout, and small tweaks to New Members plugin. Started on pagination style and user_cp interface. 2) table_row - removed all outbound links 3) table_top_row - made title a link to site details page, added "visit"...
  17. Mark

    Visiolist Frontpage Virus

    Just to clarify, this hack was NOT the result of a code exploit in VisioList. screenshot server has been rebooted, screenshots are rendering normal.
  18. Mark

    Visiolist Frontpage Virus

    We have removed the injected code, and submitted to webmaster tools. Now we are just waiting for Google to clear our name. This happened as a result of a trojan that harvests FTP login details, we were first exploited a few weeks ago with this exact same method.... I failed to change the FTP...
  19. Mark

    SEO Plugin

    Sure, my meta description is: Looking to Promote your traffic exchange, blog, or webmaster service? When you need high quality traffic, look no further than AAtoplist. 2 minutes, hassle free, quality links and real visitors. that is waaaaaay to long for a h1 or h2 tag. h1 should be tight...
  20. Mark

    SEO Plugin

    As I installed this on my list, I noticed this plugin is using the meta description as the H1 tag, in most cases this is probably not idea. I recommend changing the action_array.php file in this plugin as follows for a more concise result. if ($TMPL['cat_exist']) { $TMPL['cat_name'] =...