VisioList Mail Help


New Member
Hello VisioList-ers

I have recently switch my hosting provider to a dedicated server. Everything is working perfect except for my send mail via VisioList for when people sign up or to send admin emails; it simply is not connecting to the mail server I designated in php.ini (which is

Are there other email settings that would need to be changed someone in VisioList's config files?



Staff member
Hello there is no mail configuration at all with VisioList, it relies totally on PHP's mail(); function not SMTP.

Godaddy (where your server is hosted) has notoriously nutty server configurations, you might want to check with Godaddy support and see if they can give some insight about using the PHP mail() function on your server.


New Member
Thanks, Yes I was hoping visiolist used simple PHP mail function, which means I have set it up correctly. Now time to do the GoDaddy route.

Mark, If I may ask one more question one my website we use the ServerChecker program (among other custom plugins). My current dev is away for a few weeks so I was hoping you might be able to help me. When users sign up for their site, how do I have it so the $server and $port are included as blank fields in the signup form? Currently they are not present in the initial signup, but only when users edit their account.


Staff member
should just be a matter of adding those fields to the join_form template (and the join process plugin file), but this might be handled differently in that plugin (I am not familiar at all with that plugin). Best bet would be to ask in that plugin thread, so other users and the plugin author can help you get it sorted. :)


Staff member
stickmenz, please recheck the plugin, it does look like you edited it in someway.
I see only one Port field of the plugin ( that field is the join port ) you left on the page.

Be advised that if a server admin enabled a query port ( used to get data ) other than the default gameserver port for their game, the plugin cannot use that one if they enter that one on your join form. Because that is the join port input, not the query port input, resulting in either a wrong server beeing queried or their server showing as offline, because the plugin cant get the info because the query port is wrong.