Join Language Flags


Staff member

Plugin to let users choose their website language. It creates a new custom join field, so you are not required to add that yourself.

- Must be Uploaded using FTP due to filesize
- Click the install icon in plugin manager once uploaded
- Once installed go to Tools -> Manage Join Fields.
- Locate the box "acf_language" and click edit.
- click on the tab "Choice Field Option". By default we use an US and DE flag.
- if you want to add more supported languages, click "Add more choices" button
--- the first input ( Value ) represents the flags as found in the plugin "JoinLanguageFlags/flags". It is important that you use the flag name here.
--- The second input ( Display text ) is the visible text found in the dropdown

Template Tag
Can be used in stats.html and the ranking files, table_top_row.html etc

Default Display
By default the image flag is displayed with an alt/title tag using the display text value.
If you want the display text beside the flag you can use {$acf_language_display} to get for example the output of "German"

Required VisioList version 1.0 or higher

